4th Annual Mushaira in Delhi-Shaan E Hindvi

Ticket tiers

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About the event

The 4th Annual Mushaira by Gamak, titled "Shaan-e-Hindvi," is scheduled to take place in Delhi, featuring renowned poets such as Rajesh Reddy and Mukesh Alam. This event celebrates the rich tradition of Urdu poetry, bringing together esteemed poets and enthusiasts.

Featured Poets:
Rajesh Reddy
Mukesh Alam
A.M. Turaz
Amritanshu Sharma
Umar Siddiqui, aka Jaani Lucknawi
Salman Sayed
Shadab Javed
Vibhuti, aka Diwani
Poonam Meera
Kushal Dauneria

Together, these luminaries form the constellation of this year’s Shaam-e-Hindvi, a night to cherish the timeless legacy of Hindvi poetry. Let their words take you on a journey

Mushairas are traditional poetic symposiums integral to Urdu culture, providing a platform for poets to present their work and engage with audiences. "Shaan-e-Hindvi" aims to honor this tradition by featuring a lineup of esteemed poets who will share their latest compositions.